Yesuntei Kha is one of Endling's most dedicated completionists but always makes sure there is time to help her fellow members. She is dedicated to her bartending job and will single-handedly devestate the ecosystem to craft the drinks required at Club D-Gen.She may be a talented crafter, but don't let that fool you as Yesuntei was Endling's first Main Tank- although she has yet to achieve higher than a 0% parse, she makes sure to look good while doing it.She is absolutely enamoured with her new 'clan' Endlings and goes above and beyond to create works of art to immortalise their time together, such as the yearbook and dedicates enormous amount of time to planning new events.Her bark is worse than her bite and often she is overcome with protective, paternal feelings.
BEST DAD OCE.She is Y'koal's first wife and partnered to Mori who alltogether raise her beloved Lann. She has a love*-hate relationship with her step-mother, Southern Firefly.Disclaimer: Flirt at risk of every bone in your body."H e L p M E !" - Yesuntei Kha